Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Top 10 Pinterest Boards

Here are my Top 10 Pinterest Boards, specifically for counselors.  Any of these can be use specifically in crisis, or with children and families in general, or really with any clients in general.  I give each and every one of these boards 5 STARS because I think all of the resources are great, and with Pinterest it’s easy to pick and choose what you want to use!  So.... Enjoy!

1.       Counseling Tools
by Lisa Nieves

This pinterest board provides great resources for counselors who need fresh, innovative and creative ideas to use with clients.  One example provided that I personally pinned is this Behavior reflection.  It helps children understand their behaviors, how they are not okay, their feelings in relation to the behavior, and how they can change the behavior.  Great CBT work right here!

2.       Psychology/Social Work

This pinterest board provides tools for counseling to further their knowledge and understanding of different counseling topics.  For example, below is a diagram of attachment styles that is clear and concise and easy to understand, explaining how the parent and child react in different parenting styles.

3.       Psychotherapy, Psychology, and Wellness Blogs, Videos, Slideshare & Books

This board provides items you can provide your clients to help improve their moods and give them some skills to relax and cope.  This is more of an inspirational board, as you can see from this pin with the following quote, “Sometimes what you’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.”  I myself like finding these type of inspirational quotes on Pinterest!  With over 1365 pins on this board, there’s a lot to look through!

4.       Counseling and Mental Health Tips and Tools

I like how this board discusses different presenting problems we may see as counselors, and tools we can use to help clients overcome these presenting problems.  I think that this pin in particular about Positive Thinking is a great visual to see how we can change our thoughts and utilize meditation to overcome any negative thoughts.  It also briefly describes the different types of thinking errors or cognitive distortions.

5.       Psychoeducational Self-Help Worksheets/Handouts

If you haven’t noticed at this point, the last 3 boards are all from the same Pinner, but differentiated based on topic and utility.  Here are some great worksheets and handouts anyone can use if they were to come across this board, as well as what we as counselors can use to provide our clients.  Most of these pins require that you click on the pin to then be taken to the webpage that it was taken from.  For instance, this pin, when clicked on, brings you to a three part video series, but you have to make sure to click on the pin as the videos don’t show up on Pinterest alone!

6.       Psychology ~ love it

This board provides a lot of great resources specifically for counselors working with children!  I love the ideas I have found on this board and have implemented some of them myself, including this idea for Jenga, where you write questions or feelings words on the pieces which the person that then chooses that piece must answer or describe.  This is very effective with kids!

7.       Anxiety/Stress Counseling

Something many people deal with following crisis or trauma is anxiety and/or stress.  Here is a great board for activities, skills, and resources for anxiety and stress counseling.  Here is an example of “tossing away your anxiety” with a paper airplane.  This is great! It’s something creative for kids to do, and also gets them talking about their anxieties!

8.       Counseling

Here is another board with information and resources for counseling that easily describes things we must all know about!  For example, here is an easy-to-read and appealing look at antidepressant medications that are common and their side effects.  If you have clients worried about medications, or want to know more information, this would be a great handout!

9.       Mental Health

I have pinned from this board frequently.  This is particularly useful for working with children.  I particularly like the emotion thermometer.  There are quite a variety of versions of thermometers you can use, but this was breaks it down quite easily.  Even more so, you can utilize this one for specific instances that happened where you need a feel of where on the scale they are in that moment or when something in particular occurred.

10.   Counseling

Lastly, I wanted to put in a little push for my own Counseling Pinterest board! I have yet to come up with some sort of clever name for the board, but I feel as though I’ve found some really great items on here!  There’s nothing in particular about this board other than I have found some sort of use for everything there for counseling purposes, whether it be a worksheet/activity, inspirational quote, or information to look at later.  Take a look and enjoy!

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