Thursday, April 10, 2014


One important thing for anyone to remember, whether you are a counselor that deals with crises on a regular basis, or you are going through crises of your own, is self-care.  We have to find those things that can help us to cope.  They don't need to be concrete counseling skills, but anything that helps you get the endorphins you need to be happy, or to make you laugh when all you want to do is cry.

I have certain self-help strategies that I'd like to share with you.  They help me immensely when I've had a long day, or am experiencing a crisis of my own, or are worried about others.

1. Running.  I just completed my first half marathon in February.  I worked up to it for about 8 months.  Running at least 3 times a week kept my spirits high, my endorphins high, and my stress low.

2. Big Bang Theory.  Everyone has their tv show. This is mine.  Every episode makes me laugh.  Luckily my roommate has the first 5 seasons on DVD and I have the 6th season, so I have countless hours.  After a long day when I couldn't sleep, I was up at 4am watching Big Bang Theory.  When I was done watching, I fell asleep immediately.

3. Friends.  I have some friends I can count on to let me vent, to help me process things, and to make me laugh.  I owe them big time.

4. Supervisors.  Working with crises every day can be emotionally draining.  My supervisors have been wonderful in checking in on me and offerring encouragement and help when I need it.  All counselors, whether you've been doing it for just a few months or 20+ years should have someone in the field they can confide in.

5. Prayer.  I have an Adoration chapel down the street from my house that is open 24/7.  I go there when I get the chance, especially during crises.  Whether you believe in God or a diety or any kind of higher power, it brings comfort and peace, and it definitely helps me.  Having my faith has helped me get through the rough times and to be a better counselor for my clients.

What are your coping skills?

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