Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Top 10 Websites for children and families in crisis

1.       Healthychildren.org

“Powered by pediatricians. Trusted by parents. From the American Academy of Pediatrics.”  This website offers a lot of information about healthy living, health issues, and different stages children may go through.  This can be extremely helpful regarding crisis because experiencing a health issue can lead to crisis within a family, and this gives support and good information for parents. This subsection regarding Family Life discusses families in crisis further: http://www.healthychildren.org/English/family-life/family-dynamics/pages/Family-in-Crisis.aspx  Here is a link to a resource guide that is also extremely useful: http://www.childcrisis.org/downloads/frc/resourcelist.pdf
2.       Child Crisis Center

“Strong families. Safe Kids.”  This website discusses different aspects of children in crisis, including how to volunteer, statistics, information, programs, and events.  It is based in Arizona so events and programs may only be relevant to those in the Arizona area, but still provides good information.  Some specific information regarding helping military families can be found here: http://www.childcrisis.org/operation-family-support/

3.       Child Welfare Information Gateway

Provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this is a resource for those in helping professions to gather resources and information to protect children and strengthen families.  Information from how to report abuse to resources for personal situations are provided.  This is a great resource everyone should be aware of to be informed about how to protect children and prevent abuse.  This website also provides a lot of information regarding adoption and foster care.

4.       Child Care Aware of America

This specific section of the Child Care Aware of America website provides great resources for those affected by crises and disasters.  Resources can be utilized by caregivers or it can be utilized by counselors and other helping professionals to use and provide to caregivers.  There are great PDFs to save and share.

5.       The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

This website discusses all different types of trauma, from domestic violence to terrorism, and goes into each trauma individually and uniquely.  It answers common problems or questions about each individual trauma and provides references and resources for each as well.  This website has amazing resources for counselor helping with children and families dealing with trauma, and I highly recommend it.  I frequently turn to this website for information or resources.  If I could give it 6 stars I would.

6.       Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHS)

This website (specifically this specific part of it) has different resources for students, parents, teachers, other caregivers, responders, and health professionals regarding trauma.  I stumbled upon this website but can already see that there are some amazing resources I can use with my clients.  I like this website because it provides great tools for anyone affected by trauma.

7.       Save the Children.

This organization advocates for children all around the U.S. and the world.  This website accepts donations to help children who may have been involved in a disaster or who are affected by trauma.  This website is more useful for those who want to get involved in child welfare and make a difference.

8.       NASP Resources

“Helping children achieve their best. In school. At home. In life.”  This part of this website provides information specifically about helping children with special needs who are in crisis.  It discusses how children with disabilities have particular triggers and cues, and breaks it down for special populations.  If you have a child with a disability or are working with children with disabilities these may be helpful resources.  You don’t see this type of information often so it is useful.

9.       The National Council on Family Relations

The NCFR has specific resources on how to talk to children about tragedies.  A crisis within families can many times be not telling the children information or fearing how they are going to react.  While the website doesn’t necessarily provide unique information, it does provide where to find all of the resources you could possibly need to talk to children about tragedies.

10.   American Psychological Association: Protecting Children From Abuse

The APA has this specific website that has all types of information on helping children going through abuse and prevention.  Additionally, on the right hand side are related links, such as what parents should know about child sexual abuse, resilience guides, effects of poverty, and children’s healthy development.  APA is very reliable and provides great information.

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