Friday, April 25, 2014

Sexual Assault Awareness Month & Day of Action

Sexual assault is something that is so prevalent in society yet many people don't believe it because it's not something that necessarily gets media attention unless some big star is involved or is some other high-profile case.  Here in Tallahassee, the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), Refuge House, the FSU community, and other communities are trying to do more about it.

This coming Monday, April 28, 2014, from 6:00-8:00, Refuge House is holding it's Day of Action at Lake Ella.  Here is what they say about the event:

Be inspired and show your support for survivors of sexual assault at the annual Refuge House Sexual Assault Awareness Month Day of Action. This year, our focus is Self Care and Healing for Survivors. Keynote speaker Monekka Monroe is a survivor of sexual assault offering a message of unity and strength. Join us as we share the many ways that survivors have created meaning and power for themselves and other victims of rape. Poetry, zumba, drumming circles, art. Music by Sistahs with love.

I encourage you, if you have time, to attend the event.  It is free and will be a great opportunity for the community to see the impact sexual assault has on individuals, families, friends, and the community at large.

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