Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Top 10 Twitter Accounts

I made a list of my Top 10 Twitter Accounts for Children & Families in Crisis:

1.       FSU Counseling Center

5 stars

As my audience may be more of students in the Tallahassee area, I wanted to focus on a twitter I personally follow that I believe shares good things for those in the FSU community as well as inspirational tweets to anyone outside the area.  For anyone in the Tally area, or anyone college age, this may be helpful just for daily inspiration or to know what is going on in the area.

2.       Institute for Violence Studies at FSU

5 stars

Another twitter group that I personally follow is the Institute for Violence Studies at FSU.  As violence within the family or domestic violence (violence among those that live together) can definitely be a crisis for a family, this twitter provides resources and information for individuals who may be experiencing some sort of violence in their home.  

3.       Children’s Commission
4 stars

As I aspire to move to Jacksonville and work with children there, the Children’s Commission twitter account provides useful resources for children that we adults needs to be aware of.    They specifically shared some information from UNICEF about how children handle emergencies and how we can assist (here at http://www.unicef.org/appeals/)

4.       UNICEF
4 stars

Following finding the Children’s Commission’s tweets, I stumbled upon the UNICEF twitter page, which promotes the rights and wellbeing of children in over 190 countries.  The twitter account doesn’t necessarily provide much information or useful materials for those that may be experiencing a crisis with a child, rather it promotes news stories and the realities of what children across the world are dealing with.

5.       Nemours Children’s Hospital
4 stars

Nemours is a children’s hospital in a few areas of the country.  If you want up-to-date information on their research, what is happening through the hospital or the movements they are taking part in, they frequently tweet with updates.  I support Nemours and believe it to be a great Children’s Hospital and encourage anyone interested in working with children to follow them.

6.       St. Jude
5 stars

I have been a long-standing supporter of and donator to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.  A hospital that continues to research for a cure to cancer and never charges the families that enters: wow!  I never hesitate to donate to them and am constantly following their twitter page to see if they have any new findings or to read about the moving stories of the children and families that enter and leave the hospital.  Having a child with cancer takes a large toll on the entire family.  I suggest supporting an organization like St. Jude’s to help find a cure!

7.       Make A Wish
5 stars

Children with life-threatening medical conditions are getting to make wishes, wishes that come true through this foundation!  The official twitter page of the Make A Wish Foundation shows the generosity of donors, stories of children whose wishes came true, and job openings for those interested in working for the foundation.  If you have a child who has a life-threatening medical condition, I suggest looking into the Make A Wish foundation to grant them their wishes during this hard time.

8.       Kids Health
5 stars

This twitter page provides amazing resources for mostly parents (educators and counselors too) to utilize with their children, from helping their kids with self-esteem issues to how to have a healthy pregnancy.  It provides tangible resources and articles that all parents can use.  I suggest anyone who has a family or works with families to follow this twitter page so that we may all provide the best healthcare (whether personally or professionally) to our children.

9.       Rights For Girls
4 stars

This twitter page provides great information to help prevent crises and trauma from occurring to girls.  It discusses topics from sex trafficking, to foster families, to runaways.  It is based on a Human Rights Project for Girls, gender-based violence, and its impact on young girls.  If you know of any girls impacted by violence, are a girl impacted by violence, or work with girls impacted by violence, this may be a useful tool.  It is also eye-opening and informative for anyone to read.

10.   Child Welfare League of America
4 stars

Based in Washington, D.C., the Child Welfare League of America aspires to protect every child from harm.  The tweets consist of typically what is going on in the government regarding protecting children and their rights.  It also discusses parenting, and frequently parenting in adoption and foster care.  If you want to stay up to date on movements within the government regarding child welfare and some resources on how to protect children from harm, the CWLA twitter page provides some good information.

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