Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Bystander: Who are you?

A crisis that I have dealt with many times is sexual assault.  I have seen this tear people up, cause anguish in families, reach the news, and really affect the mental health and well-being of people affected.

What if you had the ability to stop a sexual assault from happening?

This poses the question: Who are you?

I suggest everyone needs to watch this video, which highlights how bystanders play a very important role in stopping sexual assault.  It was made in New Zealand but definitely applied to the United States.

Warning: There is alluding imagery and may be very difficult for anyone affected by sexual assault to watch.

For more information please visit: http://feministing.com/2013/03/26/who-are-you-bystander-intervention-as-another-means-to-end-sexual-violence/

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