Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Top 10 Blogs and Podcasts

I present 9 blogs and 1 podcast related to children and families in crisis that may be useful.  Perhaps I am not providing you with the information you need.  I won't take offense if you need to look at someone else's blog! In fact, I would be happier if I could lead you to something more beneficial for you.

1.  Help. Hope. Healing. Crisis Center of Tampa Bay Blog

This blog provides personal stories, local events occurring in the Tampa Bay area, and issues related to crisis.

This resource would be helpful to those in the Tampa Bay area, as well as those who may need inspiration from stories of success, stories that show the after effects of overcoming a crisis.

2.  Pencilled In. Children In Crisis.

Follow the stories of children who experience crisis in Afghanistam, the DR Congo, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.

We may not always know the types of crises that occur outside our immediate environment and forget everything else that is going on in the world.  Seeing what kind of difference we can make in the lives of others, especially children in areas like Afghanistan, can be empowering and eye-opening.

  3. Beggar’s Daughter

From a Christian Perspective, Jessica points out the struggles many teen girls deal with regarding lust, sexual promiscuity, pornography, masturbation, and what Christians see as sexual sin.

Things like pornography and masturbation are just not spoken about amongst women.  Jessica puts it all out into the open, is constantly open to receiving e-mails and puts forth the effort to respond to them.  If any girl out there feels alone in this struggle, Jessica helps her to see that she is not alone and see her worth in other things. (The blog is under construction for the month of February, but make sure to take a peek in March!) 

    4. Family Court Crisis – Abusers Getting Custody!

This blog highlights stories of court cases in which it appears the abuser receives custody over the children, as well as some tips with tense topics such as abuse, domestic violence, and relationship violence.

While this blog is quite lengthy and one-sided, it does give an honest opinion of the kinds of dilemmas and controversies surrounding the judicial system, court proceedings, and custody battles.  It puts these things into perspective.  It provides a lot of good information on domestic violence and the adverse effects on children.  If anyone needs more information on these topics this is a good blog to look into.

  5. Cathy Cress, MSW

Social worker Catchy Cress discusses in this single blog entry how even quite normal families can experience their own crises, for example when the children become middle-aged and their parents are elderly.
Her blog doesn’t focus entirely on crisis, but gives some good things to think about.  For someone who may feel like they always experience crises, it is important to realize even the most functional and normal families and individuals experiences crises at some point in their lives.

   6. Goodlife Zen: 21 ways to comfort a friend in crisis

If you’ve ever felt helpless and like you can’t do anything for your friends in crisis, this blog posts give 21 straight forward ways to help.  Sometimes it’s something as simple as being there to listen.
If you’re stumbling upon this and know someone in crisis, they may very well need your help.  You may not be able to give them something tangible, like all of their problems magically fixed, but you can follow these 21 steps (either just one step or all twenty-one) and you can be sure at least one of them will help out.  In my own time I’ve found this difficult and just want to fix their problems, but I must remember being there emotionally, not pushing them, and helping them make decisions may be better than be trying to influence them with my opinions. 

 7. Dr. Kathleen Young: Treating Trauma in Tucson

From the perspective of a Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Young gives information on all aspects of trauma, from suicide, to PTSD, to rape, to things everyone should be aware of going on in the nation.

Dr. Young seems like a down-to-earth kind of person that lays it out there.  If you have a question about trauma, she probably answers it in this blog.  I highly recommend going through her posts and I am sure you will find one that hits a nerve in your body that causes you to read more about it.  If you want your information to come from a professional, but don’t want to be weighed down with jargon, visit her blog.

    8. MidLoveCrisis: A Blog About Love, Life, and Relationships

Within families are relationships, and within families are crises.  This blog discusses how crises may occur in families, in dating, in friendships, and in all types of relationships.

Perhaps your crisis you are going through involves someone you are in a relationship with, whether that be your husband/wife, brother/sister, mom/dad, boyfriend/girlfriend, friend, etc.  This blog gives some good advice as to the types of crises you may deal with in relationships but also how it is possible to overcome them.  It also gives some tips for those mistakes we all make in relationships.

    9. The Good news: Helping Your Children Cope in Family Crisis

When one person in a family is in crisis, it typically affects the whole family.  This blog post discusses helping children who may not know how to cope with a family crisis.
A child may not directly be involved in a crisis, such as bankruptcy or divorce, but it most certainly affects them.  This blog gives some in-depth pointers about how to help children through the family crisis, focusing on being honest and open. 

    10. Real Warriors, Real Advice

I end this top 10 list with a podcast told from veterans and military families the types of crises they endure and the importance of seeking care and counseling.

For anyone who may have family in the military, or is interested in hearing more about ways to help veterans and military families, they first hand witnesses are helpful and encouraging, and reduce that stigma for veterans to obtain counseling.  From learning simple coping strategies to helping children cope, this weekly podcast covers a lot of topics for veterans.

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