Tuesday, February 11, 2014

To This Day Project

I write this post with something a little more fun for you: a youtube video! Who doesn't love watching youtube videos? Okay, maybe my father, but that's another story...

Today I bring a video that I came across a while ago and it has stuck with me every since.  And in relation to this blog, we can definitely consider this topic a crisis: bullying.

Bullying is definitely seen as a crisis for kids.  I was bullied all throughout my elementary, middle school, and part of my high school years.  It tormented me.  My self-esteem plummeted.  My self-worth was nonexistent.  I felt like I was constantly being picked on.  I made friends but then found out my so-called friends would talk about me behind my back. 

Crisis? A never-ending crisis.

This powerful and emotion-sparking video captures what bullying does to you and the lasting effects it can have.

There are also other aspects of this video just to think about: the investigative system regarding child abuse, views on counseling, society's views on mental health, psychopharmacology (i.e. meds for mental health, like antidepressants)

I encourage that if you are a victim of bullying, don't be afraid to talk to someone about it.  A teacher, your parents, a friend.  If you know someone who is being bullied, or your child is, don't be afraid to talk to them about it.  They may be silently crying out for help.


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